100+ Funny Office Award Ideas For Your Staff
What can organizations do to help employees achieve workplace happiness? This is a challenge confronting every organization. After all, fun and enjoyable workplaces are known to bring tangible benefits for employees and teams.

Happier employees are more productive in a variety of ways that companies cannot afford to ignore. We've looked at ways in which our awards can make work fun - and that led to our popular range of awards with funny titles and superlatives.
List of Superlatives and Funny Office Awards
While it's helpful to keep the award titles light and fun, they should also be relevant, appropriate and sincere. So, here's our list of 100+ exciting fun office awards for employees and co-workers - ones they would surely cherish and love to show off.

- Jokester Award: This award is for the colleague who is like a walking joke book
- Emoji Communicator Award: Office Chat Groups are rife with emojis. Some people use emojis more than others. This award is for the person who most loves their emojis.
- Me, Myself and I Award: Some colleagues just love showcasing themselves, their life, and everything I. This award is for them.
- The Right Wing Troll Award: In divided times like ours, there's always someone or the other in the office who's posting bigoted material on the office chat group and aggressively pushing a toxic right wing agenda. This award is for them.
- The Intolerant Liberal Award: For every right wing troll, there's a pseudo secular liberal troll, who is just as uncompromising and aggressive. To such a person goes this award.
- The Neither Here Nor There Award: There are some folks who just won't pick a side. Liberal, Right wing, Communist, Socialist, Libertarian... you have no idea which side they bat for. Put simply, they are neither here nor there. This award recognises this shifter.
- The X-Rated Content Award: Offices always have someone or the other who loves to post material on a chat group that can only be viewed in private mode. You know what we mean. And who. This award is for them.
- The One Word Replier Award: Some folks just don't like to say much. They pretty much only deal in monosyllabic responses. This award is for such folks.
- The Motivational Quote Guru Award: This award is for the colleague who is a consummate motivator.
- Breaking News Award: For the newshound in your office, for the person who, more often than not, is the first to know about what's new in the world, goes the Breaking News Award.
- The Firestarter Award: There are some people who love to be provocative and get people hot under the collar. This is the award for them.
- The Obsessive Compulsive Forwarder Award: Office chat groups get populated with forwards. Some folks forward stuff way more often than others. To them goes this award.

- Always Hangry Award: This award is for the millennial who is usually angry because they are hungry!
- Lit AF Award: This award is for the millennial who is well, LIT AF!
- FOMO Award: Is there a millennial colleague or employee who wants to do, see, be present at everything? Give them this award and share a chuckle.
- JOMO Award: If there's FOMO, there's also JOMO - the J stands for Joy! You see, there are some folks who don't care much for what everyone wants, or wants to do. To the independent-minded millennial who epitomises this goes the JOMO award.
- The Struggle Is Real Award: Is there a millennial at your workplace with loads of 'first-world' problems; like running out of battery (juice) on their phone, or slow wifi, or Uber drivers canceling their booking, or other minor problems? Share a chuckle about these 'struggles' with this award.
- Break The Internet Award: Does your millennial colleague regularly 'breaks the internet' with their lit AF posts? This is the award for them.
- YOLO Award: This award is for the millennial who believes in nothing less than living life to the fullest because, you know, YOLO.
- Woke AF Award: If there is a millennial at your workplace who is aware, sensitive, fair, and in step with a progressive world, this is the award for them.
- Sorry Not Sorry Award: If there is a millennial at your workplace who is skilled at the art of being blunt, this is the award for them.
- Always Slaying Award: Know a millennial at work who's always slaying it? This is the award for that rockstar.

- Bad Signal Award: This award is for the person who spends more time trying to connect to their zoom / webex meeting, than actually being on it.
- Bake It Easy Award: This award is for the person who found a new talent during the lockdown and baked more banana bread or cakes than all of France put together.
- Brown Thumb Award: Many people resorted to 'Plant Therapy' during the lockdown. But some folks just can’t manage to grow a plant even if their lives depended on it. This award is for them.
- Family Bear Award: Family Bear Award is for the employee with the most adorable family values!
- Green Thumb Award: The Green Thumb Award is for the person whose plants make others go green with envy.
- Stepped Out of Bed Award: The Stepped Out Of Bed Award is for the employee who lives to dress down.
- Zoom Call Faux Pas Award: This award is for the person who has been turned up to a zoom call in their pj’s or didn’t realise they had joined the call and were still bickering with their parents/partner.

- Walking Wikipedia Award: For the colleague who is as smart (or smarter) than Wikipedia, goes the Walking Wikipedia Award.
- The Picasso Award: Who is the most prolific doodler and creator of sketches in the office? Yes, you know that person. The Picasso Award is for them.
- The Opera Singer Award: The Opera Singer Award is to recognize and encourage the most prolific crooner in your office.
- Masterchef Award: It’s lunch time. There is one lunch box you want to dip into more than the others (including your own). The Masterchef Award goes to that person and their delicious lunches.
- Mimicry Master Award: This award is for the person who loves to and is good at imitating people and putting on a show.
- Gadget Geek Award: Some of us are more adept than others at handling tech gadgets. And in this lot of gadget experts, there will be one who is a cut above the rest. To this gadget geek goes… well, the Gadget Geek Award.

- Super Snacker Award: Snacking while talking. Snacking in meetings. Snacking while walking. Snacking while sitting. Snacking, snacking, snacking all the time. Know someone like this in your organisation? This is the award for them.
- The Caffeine Addict Award: Caffeine and offices go hand-in-hand. And for the employee who can't take his hands off their caffeine fix goes The Caffeine Addict Award.
- Willy Wonka Award: Willy Wonka had a chocolate factory. Is there someone in your workplace who IS a chocolate factory and always has a chocolate or three on their person or desk? This is the award for them.
- Smelliest Lunch Award: To the person whose lunch makes its presence felt from miles away purely because you can smell it way before you have laid eyes on it, and continues to smell for hours after lunchtime, goes this award.

- Dressed To Kill Award: Lots of people love to dress well to work. Some like to dress really really well. Well, for the employee who lives to dress up, goes the Dressed to Kill Award.
- Fashionista Award: To the employee who is well put up with the latest fashion trends goes the Fashionista Award.
- Fitness Freak Award: For the employee who hits the gym every day and loves to be fit, goes the Fitness Freak Award.

- Eager Beaver Award: There are some people who will always say Yes to a task. Always put their hand up to contribute. Always ask for more work. These are the Eager Beavers. They are rare. They deserve to be celebrated. The Eager Beaver Award is for them.
- Chatty Cathy Award: Every organisation has folks that love to talk. Some love to talk and talk and talk. You all know who that person is. Chatty Cathy Award is for them.
- Energiser Bunny Award: Workplaces need folks who are full of beans. Their drive is infectious. Such people help keep energy levels at work high and to them goes the Energiser Bunny Award.
- Fastest Finger Award: Emails and other forms of messages are an integral part of office communication. And you’ll always find someone who is the first person to reply to any message in a group conversation. The Fastest Finger Award is for them.
- How Was Your Weekend Award: To the neighbour who is always a pleasure to have around and turn to, goes this award.
- Human Megaphone Award: To the voice that boom booms more than others goes this award.
- Little Miss Sunshine Award: An office in which many people find reasons to smile is an enjoyable place to go work for. And in this office of smiles, there is that employee whose every smile is like a welcome ray of sunshine! For this person is made the Little Miss Sunshine Award.
- Night Owl Award: For the employee who burns the midnight oil like there is no tomorrow goes the Night Owl Award.
- Office Parent Award: There are some people in the office who are more caring than others. They always remember birthdays. They will bring treats for you. They will be there for you. Basically, they are like the bestest parents in the world. To the bestest of this wonderful type of colleague, goes this award.
- One More Thing Award: To the person who always has something to add, goes the One More Thing Award.
- Personal Space Ignorer Award: People who work together can get close to each other. This is normal. What is not normal are people who get inappropriately close to you. And to the one who does it most often goes this award. And a gentle warning.
- The Plan Maker Award: Some people just love to and are really good at making plans. This award is for them.
- The Birthday Tracker Award: This award is for the colleague who never forgets to wish anyone on their birthday.
- The Morning Cheerleader Award: Every office has a person who is super cheerful in the morning never fails to wish everyone 'good morning'. This well-mannered soul deserves this award.
- Social Director Award: To the person who takes the most initiative when it comes to organising group activities at the office goes this award.

- Hermione Granger Award: What's the circumference of Jupiter? Who was the first person to win an Olympic medal? Who knows, and who cares! Oh wait – your office Hermione does and to her goes this award.
- Helpful Hagrid Award: The winner of the Helpful Hagrid Award is a kindhearted and well-meaning teacher who is friendly with everyone.
- The Boy Who Lived Award: This award is for the star performer who takes the team forward no matter how adverse the circumstances.
- Yer A Wizard Award: To the rookies that perform like wizards right from the get-go, goes the Yer A Wizard Award.
- Longbottom Progress Award: Present the Longbottom Progress Award to the person in the office who has shown great improvement over time.
- Rita Skeeter Award: This award for the gossiper-in-chief at work.
- Patronum Award: This award is for the person in the office who is an extremely positive ray of light.
- Moaning Myrtle Award: This award is for the employee who always has a sob story to share.
- Dobby Has No Master Award: This award is for the employee who is terrible at following instructions and pretty much likes to do things their way.
- The Wingardium Leviosa Award: Do you have a team member who gets things done without much effort? It could be by making a gesture, or by sending a text or email, or by making a few calls. Almost like a spell that could make things fly. To this person goes The Wingardium Leviosa Award.
- He Who Must Not Be Named Award: This award is for the intimidating manager who has earned themselves several secret monikers.
- Professor Albus Dumbledore Award: An equally intelligent, wise person in the office should be honoured with the Professor Albus Dumbledore Award.
- Luna Lovegood Award: This award is for the extremely quirky employee known for their eccentric beliefs and qualities.

- Always in a Meeting Award: Some colleagues are always too busy and invariably heading into a meeting. To the person and busybody who does this almost all the time, goes this award.
- Busy Bee Award: To the colleague, who may not even have time for this award, goes The Busy Bee Award!
- Call of Duty Award: To the person who will always put their hand up and answer a call of duty, goes the Call of Duty Award.
- Idea Hamster Award: To the colleague who comes up with ideas at the drop of a hat goes this award.
- Old Timer Award: The employee with the most distinguished history with the office deserves a bit of recognition. The Old Timer Award is the award that does that. And well.
- Seesaw Award: It’s not easy to please one’s boss and the peer group. Some don’t manage this see-saw act so well. But there are those who are masters at it. To the best of these masters, goes the See-saw Award.
- Night Owl Award: To the employee who burns the midnight oil like there is no tomorrow goes the Night Owl Award.
- Rookie of the Year Award: To the rookies that turn out to be rock stars right from the get-go, goes the Rookie of the Year Award.

- Angry Bird Award: To the person who is always scowling, goes the Angry Bird Award.
- Office Prankster Award: Playing the fool is fun. And so is pulling a prank or two. This is very much part of fun office culture. And to the person who is the master of pulling the office prank, you hand this award.
- Coffee Spiller Award: Coffee is very much a part of the office day. And so are folks that spill it. In fact, there’s always someone who’s a little more adept at spilling coffee by mistake than the others. To this person, goes this esteemed award.
- Don't Mess With Me Award: To the colleague who is prone to snapping back at the slightest provocation goes this award.
- Echo Chamber Award: Whatever the boss says, this person seconds. Every office has this type of follower. The Echo Chamber Award is a good-natured way to tell them you know who they are.
- Eternally Late Award: Latecomers are aplenty. And then there is a latecomer who is the latest and the best of the lot. What’s more, this person will always have a ready excuse to explain their tardy ways. To this latest of the Latecomer's goes this award.
- Gossipmonger Award: Gossiping is a kind of guilty pleasure. Some people just can't stop doing it. Many such people can be found in workplaces. This award is an agreeable way to point them out and perhaps limit gossip.
- Know It All Award: You know the person. The person who knows it all and, more importantly, makes it a point to let everyone in the office know that they know it all. The Know-it-all Award is for that person.
- Idea Cloner Award: Ideas are hard to protect. They often end up being borrowed and owned by folks who didn't create them. To folks who are adept at doing this goes this award.
- Leaky Headphones Award: Headphones are very much part of office equipment. And so is listening to music on a pair of headphones. But there are some people who turn listening to their own headphones into a public music experience. To the loudest of these headphone listeners, goes this award.
- More French Than English Award: ‘Pardon my French…’ is the way a figure of speech about apologising for using unparliamentary language starts. And this is why we have named this award The More French Than English Award. This is the award for the colleague who uses more cuss words than anyone else.
- Noisy Typer Award: Some folks in the office make it a point to let others know that they are working. Many do it by putting heads down and typing furiously. And then there is the master of typing furiously that everyone can’t help but notice. To this seemingly hard-at-work person goes this award.
- Pen Thief Award: Borrowing a pen can be hazardous. For there will always be someone among us who is prone to walk away with the pen! The Pen Thief Award is for that person (and habit).
- Office Chimney Award: Whenever you need this person, you'll discover they've just stepped out for a smoke break. Sounds familiar, no? You know who we are talking about, right? Yes, that's the one; the one who deserves the Office Chimney Award.
- Pig Pen Award: The Pig Pen Award is for the employee who thinks "messy" is the way to be!
- Smart Alec Award: The Smart Alec Award is for that colleague who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything.

- Alice in Wonderland Award: Lots of people lose themselves in their fantasies. This doesn’t happen all the time to everyone. Still, there will usually be a colleague who always seems lost in a fantasy of their own. The Alice in Wonderland Award is for them.
- Bermuda Triangle Award: You know what the Bermuda Triangle is all about, right? Well, the Bermuda Triangle Award named after it is made for the employee whose desk is the place where everything disappears!
- Catch Me If You Can Award: Where are they? Nobody knows. How to reach them? God knows. Are they hiding? Search me. Such elusive people can be found in every office. They should be identified good naturedly, so they know what they are known for. Which is precisely what the Catch Me If You Can Award does... with a wink and a smile.
- Daydreamer Award: When it comes to meetings, it’s fair to say that some folks would rather be someplace. Among these folks in your office is there someone who takes this to extreme lengths and is not there at the meeting even though they are there? There must be. The Daydreamer Award is for this person.
- Head in the Sand Award: Do you have a colleague who has no idea what is happening around them? No matter where you work, there is always someone or the other who is like that. To such a person goes the Head In The Sand Award.
- It's 5 O' Clock Somewhere Award: In organisations all over the world you will find folks who can’t wait for the day to end. For the most eager of this species and for the employee who can't wait to end their day is the It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere Award.
- Judith Chalmers Award: Do you have an employee (or employees) who is best known for spending more time traveling than being in the office? Well, this then is the perfect award for them.
- Loch Ness Award: Some employees are easy to find and always at hand. And then there are some office stars who are never to be found at their seat! To the starriest of these stars goes the Loch Ness Award.
- The Space Time Continuum Award: Odds are someone on your team just can’t keep track of time. Maybe they show up late every day. Maybe they’re always the last person to show up for a team meeting. This person deserves the Space Time Continuum Award.
- The Lurker Award: Every office has its lurkers, the ones that are there, but not there. To them goes The Lurker Award.

- Calmer of Storms Award: The peace-makers are a very valuable resource. Every organisation needs them. The good organisations value and reward them. For the person who can quell any storm, we have the Calmer of Storms Award.
- Cool As A Cucumber Award: Who is unruffled? Who is always calm? Who is the coolest of them all? For the person who is, this is the award. The Cool As A Cucumber Award for the employee who handles pressure like a Boss!
- Duct Tape Award: Every organisation has a few people who can be counted on to fix things and make things all right. This, the Duct Tape Award is for the winner who gets their fix from fixing things!
- Friendly Neighbor Award: Offices can be demanding. Cubicles can feel oppressive. Hierarchies can be limiting. In such trying circumstances, it helps to have good neighbours at work. To the neighbour who is always a pleasure to have around and turn to, goes this award.
- The Peacemaker Award: No office can survive for long without a peacemaker. This is the award for the person who keeps calm, builds bridges, and strives to keep the peace.
Check out these and many more fun and creative recognition awards here.
If you have ideas for additional unique and fun office awards, do mail them to us on sales@engraveawards.com or add a comment below.
To the engraveawards.com owner, Thanks for the well-researched and well-written post!
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