How we celebrated a million with Magma HDI
In a company, it’s important to set and celebrate landmarks. Setting landmarks and enjoying achievements is an integral part of a healthy corporate culture. This is true. And the case at Magma HDI.
Magma HDI General Insurance Company is a trusted general insurance company in India, offering a range of products for individuals and businesses. It is a joint venture between Magma Fincorp Ltd., one of India’s largest Non-banking finance company (NBFC), and Germany’s HDI Global SE.
Its wide array of general insurance products for your Health, Home, Car, Two wheeler, Tractor etc. are backed by a promise of fair and fast claim settlement. Magma HDI grew at a staggering pace in FY 2018-19 and acquired more than 1 million customers during this period. They wished to immortalise this million by installing handcrafted, premium, showcase-worthy achievement plaques in all their branches. For this, they turned to us.
How did we respond?
The event was a big deal. The plaques had to be standout. We chose to make this happen by creating the plaques in elegant wood and gleaming steel. You are cordially invited to view our handiwork in the images attached.

The way forward
If this design interest you, and you'd like to order these awards, please talk to us and we will work with you to see how best they can be customized and executed to suit your needs.